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13 August 2019

Voorwinden Group and Havecon together produce over 1 milion kWh of electricity!

We go green. Super green! With the completion of the solar panel park on the roof of our neighbor and (construction) partner Voorwinden Groep, we actually have a part-time power plant together.

No less than 4,330 solar panels add up the roofs of our buildings on Lorentzstaat 8 and 10 in Bleiswijk, the Netherlands. And they provide an impressive yield!

The panels can, according to a realistic estimate by supplier Solsolutions from Delft, collectively generate around 1 million kWh of electricity per year. Of course we and our neighbors use a bit of it ourselves. However, the vast majority is delivered back to the network. This is good for supplying 200 'average' families (2 adults and 2 children) with electricity. And that for a whole year!

This way we considerably contribute to a green future. As supporters of sustainability, we are quite proud of that.

Havecon Voorwinden zonnepanelen 001

The impressive solar panel park on the roofs of both Voorwinden Group and Havecon premises

Let's keep in touch.

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Havecon Horticultural Projects
Lorentzstraat 8
2665 JH Bleiswijk, Netherlands
+31 (0)10 266 32 70